Short-Term Investment | Where To Invest Money For Short Term

No matter how low you think the markets are or how much you expect them to increase in the near future, you shouldn’t put too much of your money into them if your aim is clear and only needs to be met once.When your end aim is flexible enough that you can put it off in the event of an unexpected setback, then you can get away with any of these tales.

  • Investor may stay stress-free and savour the exciting new roles of spouse and father with some careful planning and wise investment. Priorities should be set with a view toward adaptability, diversification of risk, and the attainment of satisfactory rates of return.
  • When success is guaranteed, taking chances is not a good idea. Instead of playing it safe and ignoring the equity, you should take a measured risk and opt for a more moderate strategy. If you want to save money effectively, timing is everything. 
  • The amount of time associated with a goal plays a big influence in building an effective plan to fulfill it.One strategy is likely to be used for a goal that is ten or twenty years off, while another might be used for a goal that is five years off.
  • Any objective with a time frame of less than five years is considered short term, whereas any objective with a time frame of more than five years is considered long term.
  • Buying a new automobile or paying off student loans is examples of short-term goals, while retirement savings, sending your children to college, and buying a second house are all examples of long-term goals.

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What are the Benefits of Investing in a 5-Year Investment Plan?

  • Developing Financial Resources:  Creating wealth is something that should be considered in the big picture.However, after 5 years, investors in several asset classes, including ULIPs, can cash out their money. Inflation can be beaten and wealth can grow within 5 years with ULIPs, as demonstrated by the historical performance of ULIP funds.
  • Ability to adapt: You can spread your money around in as many different financial instruments as you like and still make decent returns.Many of your savings will be invested in one thing for the long haul, like a piece of real estate.
  • Risk should be dispersed: Investments with a five-year time horizon allow you to spread your money out and spread your risk over a wider range of potential returns.If you make a bad call on one investment, you can make up for it in another.
  • Plethora of available funds: A period of five years is not long enough to amass significant fortune. This time frame, however, allows you to maximize both growth and liquidity in your investments.After only five years, you’ll have access to the funds you’ve invested and can put them toward other investments or spend them anyway you see fit.

The Definition of a Short-Term Investment

A short-term investment is one that has duration of fewer than five years. We set short-term objectives to prepare for and take advantage of the things we know are coming up quickly. If your child is 16 years old now, for instance, he or she will need money in two years in order to graduate high school. 

5 Years or Short Term Investment Options 

No matter how low you think the markets are or how much you expect them to increase in the near future, you shouldn’t put too much of your money into them if your aim is clear and only needs to be met once.These experiences can be told, but only if you have some wiggle room in case something goes wrong on the way to your ultimate aim. Let us discuss some of the common short term investments option here.

  • Saving Account: Keeping your money in a savings account is one of the most convenient and secure ways to manage your finances. The focus here is more on getting your hands on cash than making money. The highest rate of return on a bank savings account is between 4 -7, depending on the bank and the amount.
  • National Savings Certificate (NSC):The 5 Year Postal NSC is another option, but only if you are very certain that the end date is exactly 5 years from now. Despite being eligible for a deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, interest is nevertheless taxable income.
  • Liquid Funds: Short-term government certificates and securities of deposit are a type of mutual fund. These investments are risk-free, so you can start and stop contributing whenever you like. Because of the two-day redemption time, you may want to avoid putting in your emergency savings here. 
  • After paying taxes, the average return on investments in liquid funds is between 4% – 7%. Liquid funds are a good option for investors who need a safe place to keep their money for a short time, from one day to ninety days or more. 
  • A common type of money market investment, among many others, that liquid funds put their money into is call money. Net asset value declines are quite unusual for liquid funds. Both a dividend and growth option is available to investors. Almost 30% of dividends are taxed. 
  • Earnings from the sale of an asset are subject to taxation at the taxpayer’s top marginal rate. Due to differences in tax treatment, investors in lesser tax brackets would be better suited selecting the growth option, while those in the highest tax band have the freedom to select either.
  • Fixed Maturity Plans:There is a minimum three-year commitment period, and they function just like a bank fixed deposit.  While FDs are safer, their yields are lower, these investments are tax-efficient and offer higher potential rewards. All of your investment choices are given out here; pick one that best suits your needs in terms of tax advantages and interest gained to avoid making a poor financial decision.
  • Recurring deposits (RDs):This is a secured investment option for those who prefer not to make a single large commitment but rather a series of smaller ones over time.You can open a bank RD or a post office RD, and often banks will offer RDs with terms ranging from six months to ten years. As an additional note, any interest you accrue through RD will be subject to taxation.

(Note: We thank all the mentioned sources for valuable research materials. It is our sincere wish that you find value in this article. These articles are intended solely for informational purposes; if further clarification is required, please consult appropriate professionals. Nothing on this site is for sale or promotion.)